Day 12 of 30-Day .NET Challenge: Azure Functions

Day 12 of 30-Day .NET Challenge: Azure Functions

Azure Functions are serverless applications on Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform without worrying about the infrastructure to run it. It’s very similar t


Azure Functions are serverless applications on Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform without worrying about the infrastructure to run it. It’s very similar to the lambda function in the AWS Cloud.

Learning Objectives

  • Create a function using Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code

  • Run an Azure function locally.

Prerequisites for Developers

  • Experience with Visual Studio

  • Basic understanding of C# Programming Language

Getting Started

Add a new function

  1. Choose a project “Azure Function” from Visual Studio.

  2. Select .Net 6 as the target version

  3. Select the template “HTTP Trigger”

  4. Provide a function name.

  5. Choose Authorization Level as “Anonymous” which allows access to anyone to call your function endpoint.


The below Azure Function returns a string message as follows

  • If ?name= is passed then returns a message as Hello, {name}. This HTTP triggered function executed successfully.

  • Else a general message is returned This HTTP triggered function executed successfully. Pass a name in the query string or in the request body for a personalized response.

public static class BasicExample
    public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(
        [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
        ILogger log)
        log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

        string name = req.Query["name"];

        string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
        dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);
        name = name ?? data?.name;

        string responseMessage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)
            ? "This HTTP triggered function executed successfully. Pass a name in the query string or in the request body for a personalized response."
            : $"Hello, {name}. This HTTP triggered function executed successfully.";

        return new OkObjectResult(responseMessage);

Test the function locally

Simply press F5 to start debugging the Azure function, it will open a console which will provide a URL to access the browser.

Console Output

Azure Functions Core Tools
Core Tools Version:       4.0.5198 Commit hash: N/A  (64-bit)
Function Runtime Version:

[2024-03-28T05:48:45.707Z] Found D:\Workspace\30DayChallenge.Net\AzureFunctionExample\AzureFunctionExample.csproj. Using for user secrets file configuration.


        BasicExample: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7073/api/BasicExample

Open the URL

Open the URL “http://localhost:7073/api/BasicExample” in the browser to start running the function endpoint.

The response returned from the browser.

This HTTP triggered function executed successfully. Pass a name in the query string or in the request body for a personalized response.

Add query parameters

Modify the URL with additional query parameters as ?name=Sukhpinder


The response returned from the browser.

Hello, Sukhpinder. This HTTP triggered function executed successfully.

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GitHub — ssukhpinder/30DayChallenge.Net
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